
  1. Shaping feature ideas based on real-life use and engineering and business viability
  2. Creating design systems that can scale for evolving products
  3. Testing information architecture and navigation structures
  4. Validating design prototypes with qualitative and quantitative research methods
  5. Clarifying complicated information for lay audiences
  6. Facilitating workshops to generate ideas and build consensus among stakeholders
  7. Supporting creative and development teams with the right design documentation


I strive to design digital products that are elegantly functional. My favorite projects involve designing things that help people understand complex information and processes. On any project, my goal is to design something useful, common-sense, and that’s shaped by the content or task at hand.

Over the years I have worked with a range of organizations and teams, from national healthcare companies to startups. I have experience leading projects across the entire design lifecycle, from running design sprints to creating full-fledged design systems for product platforms.

My approach to design is:

Apart from my project work, I am interested in tech ethics and have spoken on the topic. I also enjoy working with designers newer to the field, mentoring them through close collaboration on a range of projects.


Product strategy, content modeling, low- and high-fidelity prototyping, design systems, interaction design, information visualization, information architecture

Figma, Whimsical, Airtable, Notion, Jekyll, SCSS, Github


Moderated usability testing, unmoderated navigation and first-click testing, card sorting, generative user research, survey design, A/B testing

Optimal Workshop, Dovetail, SurveyGizmo